Unsure whether starting a podcast is right for you?
Then the following podcasting statistics may just change your mind, especially if you are struggling to capture and maintain the attention of your ideal client.
Studies have shown that the average attention span is around 12 seconds.
- Which is why we’re told to keep our videos short and concise (Less than 5 minutes).
- We’re told to write shorter articles (That’ll take less than 10 minutes to read) – Source Global Research
But what if there WAS a way where we could capture AND maintain our ideal clients attention?
Where you could speak with them because they wanted to hear from you?
In their own personal time?
For 20-30 minutes on a regular basis?
You can with a podcast.
In fact, according to Edison Research Infinite Dial not only are podcast listeners listening to podcast in their own personal time, they are also more likely to follow companies and brands on social media.
Podcast listeners are also more active on every social media channel.
Which means as a business/brand, you’re more likely to build a relationship with your ideal client across various touch points (i.e. social media channels) IF you also have a podcast.
These videos confirm some of the latest podcasting statistics:
Australian Statistics
Access our free Podcast Training and then let’s chat!
Related Tag: How to Start My Own Podcast