
Are you struggling to stand out and be heard amongst all of the clutter and online noise in your industry?

Do you have extensive experience and knowledge in your industry, yet despite all of your efforts, you’re just not recognised as an authority in your industry?

According to Internet Stats Live (a website that tracks real time statistics) the number of blog posts written and emails sent each day, are staggering.

People are busier than even, so add to that peoples dwindling attention spans presents a real challenge for us as business owners.

So, considering the amount of noise and clutter, along with the limited attention spans of your dream client – how on earth are you going to not only gain people’s attention but also maintain their attention long enough to build any level of engagement and their awareness of the value you offer as an expert and an authority in your industry?

It seems almost impossible – doesn’t it?

What if I told you there WAS a way that when done strategically and correctly would enable you to spend 20-30 minutes on an ongoing basis with your dream client. Because your dream client wanted to listen to you, and chose to do so in their own personal time?

You can.

With a podcast.

Access the ‘Create a Profitable Podcast Masterclass’

From Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast

Join the Program

Work with me guiding you every step of the way in our 90-Day ‘Idea to Launch’ Your Podcast Immersive Program.

A little about our Founder

Annemarie Cross has been dubbed: “The Podcasting Queen” by her clients, colleagues, and podcast guests.

Over the last two decades, she has gained extensive experience across diverse arenas. In fact, recently she’s begun to label herself as a ‘multi-talented, multi-passionate’ entrepreneur. [She LOVES creative projects, technology, and anything NEW and shiny, which was one of the reasons she started her first podcast – Career Success Radio, back when hardly anyone even knew what a podcast was].

However, her real passion is within the area of brand and communications, helping clients design and launch powerful online and offline marketing strategies and tactics, specifically with their own podcast or podcast series. Especially purpose-driven coaches and consultants who love the Lord and can leverage their podcasts to make an impact for God’s kingdom! 

Her work with her clients and helping them get their message out on a global scale, becomes part of Annemarie’s mission, which is: “To change the world – ONE message at a time!”

In 2019, she captured her two decades in the Personal Branding, brand and communications along with her decade plus in podcasting in her latest book: Industry Thought Leader: How to Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast. 

Over the years she’s been listed among the Top 25 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs, Top 50 Podcast for Entrepreneurs, and Top 100 Small Business Podcasts worldwide by well-known and respected small business websites, including Entrepreneur.com.

In 2017, she submitted two of her podcasts – The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show and Women In Leadership Podcast to the inaugural CastAway Podcast Awards. Both podcasts were in the top three finalists, with The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show winning the BEST Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurial Category Podcast Award.

Combining her love of technology and social media, she’s been able to build a business, client base and support team that is truly global by harnessing the power of social media and online technologies – particularly podcasting, and now loves being able to empower other businesses to do the same.

Snapshot of Annemarie’s experience and accolades in podcasting:

  • Has been podcasting since 2008 with podcasts featuring national/international guests.
  • Won BEST Podcast in the Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurial Category in the CastAway Podcast Awards.
  • Ambitious Entrepreneur Show was syndicated on Zimbabwe Local Radio.
  • Coaches Connection Podcast (one of her former show’s) was featured within the International Magazine – I Love Coaching for 12 months, positioning her in front of her target market.
  • Business Success Podcast (previous title for Ambitious Entrepreneur Show) won the World Media Award for the Best Business Podcast in 2012.
  • Included in various Top Business & Entrepreneur Podcasts, including:

Annemarie is a believer and loves to support other Christian coaches/consultants leverage their podcast so they can continue to bring a message of hope into the world, which we know it desperately needs.

A Pioneer in the Podcasting space:

Annemarie is often asked how she got into podcasting. Here’s what prompted her to start her first co-hosted podcast in 2008: