Recently, in one of my articles I wrote about the 80/20 Rule and what I focus on when I create a podcast series for my clients so they can build engagement, their list, and their leads.

Another area I like to apply the 80/20 Rule is when it comes to repurposing content.

Many business owners don’t realise how much additional content they can create from the original content they already have, which is especially true, when it comes to their podcasts.

Let’s look at some of the ways you can leverage and repurpose ONE podcast episode in order to create additional content/digital assets and continue building your reputation as an influential voice in your industry.

Here’s what we are doing with our podcasts:

  • Each episode is a standalone blog post

As well as being available on Apple Podcast, Stitcher etc each episode is also a standalone blog post, which is featured on our Podcast Network.

Listeners can find out what the show is about and what they’ll learn by the brief show notes we post, with the podcast player accessible and able to be played from their computer and/or device.

Special Guest Jeremy Sollstrom

  • Record a video version and add to your YouTube Channel

I used to say: “You can never have a bad hair day with a podcast” however, I’m no longer able to say that as I now record  video at the same time when recording our audio podcasts (using Zoom).

We then add an intro and outro to the video file and add to our YouTube Channel.

  • Stream video live to Facebook

Alongside recording all of my interviews via audio and video, using Zoom’s Webinar system I’m now also streaming all my interviews on our Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network’s Facebook Page.

This is a great way to repurpose content by gaining additional exposure and reach on Facebook’s platform.

Here’s an example of an episode I recorded for Speaker Success Podcast on The Power of Masterminds.

  • Have the audio transcribed (i.e. through

There are several ways you can repurpose a transcription of a podcast episode, including giving access to listeners to download the transcript so they can read the content as well as listen to the episode.

We offered this to our listeners with a selected number of podcast episodes for Women In Leadership Podcast.

  • Highlight selected sentences and create quote images

From the transcript, highlight selected sentences and create quote images using tools, such as

You can then share the quote image across your social media platforms including relevant hashtags (so you get found) as well as the link back to the original blog post so people can find and listen to the original podcast episode.

Here’s an example of a quote image for our podcast: The Christian Entrepreneurs Podcast

Jamie Hargrove

Here’s an example of an image quote from our podcast: The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show

Repurpose Your Podcast Example

Here’s an example of a quote image for one of our podcast alliance partners – Women Speakers Association and Speakers Success Podcast, which we host and produce:

  • Take one topic from the episode and create a separate blog post

Take one of the topics discussed in your original podcast episode and create a separate podcast and blog post that enables you to take a deeper dive into what was discussed.

You can also link back to original podcast episode so people can listen to that as well, creating another touch point for your listeners.

Sometimes, I turn a written article into a podcast episode, or a series of 1-2 minute inspirational audio posts. Here’s an example of a few of the audio biz tips I’ve created, which we have available on Soundcloud.

Once you have more podcast episodes, here’s a few more things you can do to repurpose them:

  • Compile a sequence of 10-15 episodes and use as a basis for a book

This is a new strategy we are launching this year, and will be one we continue to do with the episodes we know will be a valuable resource for our community.

  • Podcasts syndicated on other radio/digital platforms;

Ambitious Entrepreneur Show was syndicated for a number of seasons on ZiFM – a local radio station in Zimbabwe, after an avid listener of the show (who was also a Program Coordinator for the station), reached out and asked if they could include our shows in their program lineup.

Recently, we were contacted by a Program Coordinator of a local Christian Radio Station in Western Australia, who loved one of our episodes of The Christian Entrepreneurs Podcast and asked if they could syndicate our shows on their station.

This is a great way to repurpose your podcast and expand your reach.

  • Compile a sequence of relevant episodes and create a new option/lead generation asset.

This is one of my favourite ways to repurpose my podcasts as I’m leveraging this asset when meeting new people, or sending initial information to potential clients who are just getting to know me.

In fact, this optin/lead generation asset is now a service we’re offering to our VIP clients in our Done-For-You Podcast Series. A great way to repurpose a podcast episode to build deeper engagement with your audience (i.e. ideal clients), your list, and your leads.

I was interviewed as part of a Telesummit. I had the audio interview transcribed, added additional checklists, and along with the original audio created this optin/lead generation tool.

It received the greatest number of optins out of all of the other guest experts and increased our list by 40%. So, this strategy is a fantastic way to repurpose your content.

NOTE: This Kit is no longer available and has been superseded by our Free Podcast Training. 
Boost Your Celebrity Fast

I took 10 podcast episodes, created additional checklists and templates and created this resource for Coaches and Consultants who were struggling to grow their business and get paid what they were worth.

Biz Success 4 Coaches

We created a podcast series for our client – Ailsa Page, which she is using to expand her reach, build engagement and her list, while position herself as an influential voice in her industry. Here is a quote graphic, sharing information and leading people back to where they can access the podcast episode.

Repurpose Your Podcast

There you go – 9 ways you can repurpose your podcast so you can continue to build your reputation as a Thought Leader and influential voice in your industry.

That’s #PodcastingWithPurpose

Want to learn how to Start a Podcast so you can Stand Out, Be Heard and become an Influential Voice in your Industry?
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