Thinking of starting a podcast to tap into the power of on-demand audio but don’t feel ready, just yet?
Twitter has recently launched an Audio-only Live Streaming function on Periscope that may just be a solution for you.
While it doesn’t have all of the benefits of a podcast (such as interviewing guests located across the globe) it will enable you to dip your toe into the audio space, while become comfortable and more confident with sharing your own message.
Access the Periscope Audio Only Update:
To access this new update:
- Download the latest version Periscope
- Click on Periscope icon and select the microphone to ‘Enable Audio Only Broadcast’
- Add text to describe your topic, press Go Live and voila.
It’s THAT easy.
Podcasting With Periscope Content Ideas:
The hardest part for you may be coming up with ideas on what to share.
Here’s a few ideas I’ve brainstormed on how I plan to integrate Periscope Audio-only Live into my content development strategy to get your creative juices flowing.
- Repurposing LinkedIn status updates:
Not ready to start a #podcast? Try #Periscope audio #livestreaming Join the conversation:…
— Annemarie Cross (@AnnemarieCoach) September 17, 2018
Here’s the original post I shared on Linkedin.
Note: Notice how I link it BACK to the Periscope post so my connections on Linkedin can click through and listen to it if they want.
- Short 1-2 minute Personal Insights that I feel inspired to share with my audience:
Is your message ON-BRAND? These are just a few things you want to avoid IF you want to build your #ThoughtLeadership
— Annemarie Cross (@AnnemarieCoach) September 17, 2018
- Repurposing key points from blog posts and linking back to the original article:
Thinking of starting a #podcast to build your #thoughtleadership? My top 3 tips BEFORE you record:…
— Annemarie Cross (@AnnemarieCoach) September 18, 2018
And other ways I plan on leveraging Persicope Audio-only in the future:
- Sharing key learnings from podcast interviews and linking back to the original interview;
- Short sound-byte interviews with business owners I meet at networking events (and if I’ve interviewed them on a podcast, link back to their original interview).
Remember to update your Twitter Profile:
Also, remember to update your Twitter profile and click the box: Show When I’m Live. This will ensure any new visitors will be able to view all of the previous broadcasts/podcasts. Or should I say ‘Pericasts’ when they click the ‘View broadcasts’ link.
Over to you:
What about you?
How could you integrate this Audio-only Live Streaming solution into your content development strategy to build your Thought Leadership?
Will you be #PodcastingWithPeriscope to build your #ThoughtLeadership?
Tweet me to let me know! @AnnemarieCoach