“Is there a difference between launching a podcast vs launching a podcast as a business?”

This was a question I was once asked by a coach, who was thinking of launching a podcast for her coaching business. She was hoping a podcast would help her build her visibility so more of her ideal clients would find out about her and the services she offered.

What about you – are you considering launching a podcast to build visibility for your coaching business? Here’s the response I gave to this coach:

Launching a podcast is relatively simple.

But launching a podcast that builds your reach with your ideal client, builds your reputation as a trusted authority, and that builds your revenue as you begin to nurture listeners into leads, enquiries and ultimately paying customers, requires planning and a robust strategy.

Just like starting a business.

Starting a coaching business is relatively simple.

However, starting a coaching business that attracts your ideal clients, that enables you to enroll and work with clients who pay you what you’re worth, and building a business that continues to be scalable as you bring on more clients – well, that’s another matter altogether. It takes planning, the right steps, and the right strategy to get the results you want.

Well, it’s the same with your podcast.

Here are some things you’ll need to consider BEFORE you launch your podcast:

1. Is your current message working in generating interest and leads?

If you’re sharing your message (whether virtual or in person) and you know the community you’re sharing it in has your ideal clients – yet no-one is coming to you to ask for more information about how you can help them, then you need to look at your message.

Similarly, if someone can take your introduction, remove your name and insert their name and continue to share your message because it relates to them as well – your message is not unique or uncopyable. In fact, it probably sounds like many other coaches working in your area of expertise.

So, if your current message ISN’T working – then launching a podcast is not the answer, yet.

As I’ve said before, a podcast will only help you amplify your existing message and if your message isn’t working, launching a podcast with your current message will only mean you are amplifying a message that is not working to more people.

Focus on getting your message working first, and THEN launch your podcast. (Our Core Business Foundations Program can help you if you need support).

2. Start with the END IN MIND:

Coming up with the right podcast strategy will depend on the overall outcome you want from your podcast.

For instance, one coaching/consulting company I spoke to only onboarded 4 new clients a year for their 12-month program, because that’s all they had the capacity to take on board. However, they knew if they nurtured existing clients who were working in their 12-month program well – those clients would become long-term higher-level clients that would generate multiple six-figures per year for their consulting business.

The best podcast strategy for them and their needs would be to keep their podcast private and only for existing customers. The goal would be to educate on specific topics clients were working on in the 12-months, while also showcasing client case studies/success stories who were currently in their top-tier program. By doing that, would continue to nurture those clients to become long-term top-tier clients, versus a podcast that was accessible by anyone on focusing on various topics.

Another client wasn’t interested in an ongoing podcast as he just didn’t have the time to commit to creating ongoing content for a podcast. So, we created an evergreen 13-part podcast series that shared valuable information, continued to build ‘know, like and trust’ and had a call to action at the end of each show. This call to action directed people to a non-obligation consultation should they want to know more about how he and his team could support him.

Two different podcast strategies for two different scenarios and two very different outcomes.

What outcome do you want for your podcast? Get clear on that first, and then come up with the right podcast strategy to help you achieve that outcome.

3. Create your lead-generating strategy first

Nurturing listeners into leads, while building ‘know, like and trust’ and your reputation as a trusted authority – THE choice vs just A choice, when your ideal client is ready to move forward is often the goal of every coach who is starting a podcast.

How do you get people off your podcast and onto your list to nurture listeners into leads? Create a compelling call to action (i.e. resource) that is so valuable they’ll want to get access to that resource – immediately.

We teach and support our clients in our 90-Day Idea to Launch Your Podcast Program to create a specific 3-part podcast series that they then share as a call to action at the end of each podcast.

For those people who have enjoyed the show and want to learn even more about (the specific area of expertise the coach leverages to help their clients achieve a specific outcome) they can access the free podcast series and additional resources provided. As soon as anyone accesses the podcast series – they are now a lead that continues to be nurtured along the customer journey.

How will you get listeners off your podcast and onto your list so you can continue to nurture them along the customer journey?

Want to learn more about how you can leverage a podcast to build your reputation as a trusted authority, while build your reach with your ideal clients so you can nurture listeners into leads?

You can find out more about the 7 Podcasting Principles for Aspiring Thought Leaders here.

Or, if you’d like to find out how Annemarie can support you in going from Invisible to Influential Trusted Authority with a Podcast with a unique and uncopyable brand, message, and podcast that enables you to generate leads from your very first episode, book in a time to chat here.