There’s one specific area in my work that I love doing.

It’s helping Change Makers identify the distinguishing features and unique approach that ONLY THEY will bring to the conversation, using the Branding with Archetypes system.

Because it’s those qualities along with their expertise, which will enable them to create a unique experience that ONLY they can offer. And, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for anyone else to copy.

For example, take my VIP client, Lana Johnson.

We’re working together to produce her podcast series, which she’ll continue to leverage as she builds brand awareness, her list, which she will continue to nurture into paying customers.

Lana’s unique blend of Archetypes is Nurturer, Ruler and Maverick.

So, along with her expertise and unique approach makes for a powerful combination when working with leaders who haven’t yet fully understood or truly valued their own level of greatness.

They sure do after working with her!

Her Nurturer traits enables her to create a connected environment, her Ruler models authentic leadership (and holds that space for them while they’re recognising their own capability for greatness), while the Maverick helps break through barriers (with the unique systems she has created) when they’re facing old (often untrue) paradigms that no longer serve them.

[BTW Lana’s a powerhouse when it come to this work – her workshops specifically for women launching March 2019 will be life changing!]

So, if you’re struggling to define that unique element of YOU – don’t focus on what your competitors are doing.

Instead, get totally clear on your distinguishing features – that unique approach that ONLY YOU can bring to the conversation.

Then do MORE of that. With intention. With purpose!

Because THAT’S what’ll truly set you apart.


In summary:

  • Stop focusing on competitors and what they’re doing
  • Get totally clear on your distinguishing features and unique approach
  • Then do MORE of that. Every.Single.Day.


Struggling to get clear on your distinguishing features and unique approach so you can stand out from the crowd? This is a MUST before you even start your podcast. I open up a few VIP spots each month to focus just on this. Let’s chat to see if you’re a good fit.