5 Pillars to Growing Your Coaching Business

5 Pillars to Growing Your Coaching Business

The thought of being your own boss and running your own business is an exciting prospect, wouldn’t you agree? After all, that’s why you’re operating your own coach or consulting business to share your talents and help people achieve their goals and true purpose. Can...
When Failure & Disappointment Come Calling

When Failure & Disappointment Come Calling

Have you heard this powerful quote before? “Life is like photography.  We develop from the negatives. It’s a quote I’ve reminded myself of a LOT over the years as I’ve picked myself up and dusted myself off from yet another failure or disappointment. In fact, it was...
#1 Way to Build Your Brand

#1 Way to Build Your Brand

In my article #1 Way to Communicate Your Brand – I shared that one of THE best ways I use to communicate my brand – alongside podcasting, was speaking. In this article, I’m going to share the four things you want to have in place so that you can begin to...