In today’s article I wanted to give you a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look into part of the process we follow when helping our clients put together their special 3-part Podcast Series.

My clients, who are experts and authorities in their fields, use their podcast series to nurture listeners into leads, as well as continue to build ‘know, like and trust’ while position themselves as THE choice vs just A choice as they nurture their lead along the customer journey.

A few years ago, I helped a client create a podcast series in order to build her list of ideal clients who she would later invite to a 3-day conference.

Once people were on her list she would continue building ‘know, like and trust’ through her follow up emails and other resources to add value with the content she provided, with the ultimate goal of building desire for those people who were ready, when she launched her event and other programs.

A question she raised was whether the title I had selected for each of her individual episodes should be tweaked to include and reference specific words she had selected for her event.

My answer was ‘No’, because of the following reasons:

1. Searchability:

When creating a podcast episode title, I purposefully incorporate words and phrases I know my client’s ideal client will be searching for. Doing this means there will be more likelihood in the podcast being found.

2. Emotional Engagement:

I also put each episode title through to ensure it received as high a score as possible. [Note: in the instance of the podcast titles, I created for my client, each of my headings were ranking above 50% (one even as high as 70%), which according to AMI is in the ‘gifted’ level of copywriting. This means it’s going to capture attention and resonate emotionally with her ideal clients. A win in my book!].

I also wanted to make sure each podcast title was memorable and rolled off the tongue. Which it did.

3. Brand Awareness:

PLUS, and more importantly from a branding perspective it also aligned with her unique blend of Brand Archetypes and her overall message.

A ‘win, win, win,’ which is exactly what I look for when creating podcast episode titles.

Once I explained this to her, she was happy not to use the title of her event.


Here’s the lesson for you:

The title of your Signature Program (in my client’s case – her upcoming event), may not be the best idea to include in searchable titles.

Especially considering it won’t be what your ideal clients will be searching for, nor what they typically will want more information on. That’s because they don’t yet know about your program, or in this example, my client’s event.

With my client’s podcast series, the strategy was to educate her listeners as to why they’re struggling and what they needed to begin focusing on so they could finally begin working towards their dreams and goals.

It’ll be a HUGE and valuable learning for them, and a realisation WHY they continue to struggle, and HOW she’s able to help them break through their struggles to finally achieve their goals.

And, because the topics and information she shared on each of the episodes was ever-green content ensuring she could continue leveraging this podcast series in her marketing, relationship-building and list-building/nurturing strategy.


  1. speak to what your clients are want; THEN
  2. educate and give them what they need; and then
  3. entice them to take the next step with a compelling Call to Action.

My client’s podcast series does all three!

BTW, do you want to create your own 3-part Podcast Series so you can build visibility, your reputation as a Trusted Authority, while be able to begin nurturing listeners into leads from a podcast? Hit reply and let’s set up a time to chat. Or, click here and book a time.