I was asked the question:
“What is your advice for someone who is considering starting a podcast? What would be your three top tips?”
I LOVE being asked this question as most people expect me to outline the various pieces of technology and microphone they need.
Yet, they’re surprised when my response has nothing to do with technology and equipment and everything to do with the overall PURPOSE and WHY they want to start their podcast.
That’s because I know that in order to generate the best results from the time and money invested in producing a podcast they MUST be totally clear on the outcome they want.
What about you?
Thinking of starting a podcast?
Before you rush out and invest in equipment, be aware that your message is far more important that the make and model of your microphone.
You can’t edit and mix irrelevant content into inspiring information that entices and compels your listener to want to learn more from you.
Here are my TOP three tips to ensure the time and money you invest will generate the best results in terms of influence, leads, enquiries and paying customers.
TIP ONE: Get clear on WHY
WHY are you starting your podcast?
Your desired outcome, will impact the overall strategy of your podcast.
- Not interested in doing an ongoing podcast, but rather want to leverage your podcast to build your list, while generate leads and enquiries?
- Have you recently authored a book and want to create a podcast that dives deeper into some of the chapters, with the call to action inviting people to access the first three chapters, in order to build your list?
- Are you regularly using speaking to build your profile and want to use a podcast in order to continue building know, like and trust with the audience, while grow your list?
- Do you want to build your speaker profile by leveraging a podcast?
- Do you want to use your podcast to build relationships with influencers within your industry?
Each of the above scenarios would involve a different strategy in order to generate the best results.
TIP TWO: Get clear on WHAT
WHAT will make you and your podcast unique so you can cut through the noise?
- WHAT is your key message, and more importantly what are you doing differently that’s going to cut through the noise?
- What EXPERIENCE do you want to create for your listeners? And, how will your branding reflect this, in terms of your podcast title, your intro/outro, your graphic, your music and voice over professional?
- What unique qualities and characteristics do you want to continuously bring out in the way you present information and in the way you relate to and interview guests?
- WHAT words and phrases are your ideal clients as they speak about their challenges/issues and what they desire?
Unless you’re clear on this, it’s going to be hard for you to enter the conversations they are having, let along have any hope of changing and impacting the conversation.
TIP THREE: Get clear on HOW
HOW will you leverage your podcast? What strategy will you have in place pre- and post-production to maximise your results?
- Will you create a podcast series that encourages people to access additional resources, so you can build your list?
- Will you be using your podcast interviews to build your influence in a specific area in your industry? Therefore the information you speak about, as well as your guests bring value into this topic, therefore elevating your reputation as the ‘go to’ person in that area?
- Will you be using your podcast as a way to get in front of key decision makers (i.e. your ideal client) BEFORE you even begin recording the content?
For instance one of my client’s and I mapped out Phase 1 of her podcast strategy, which enabled her to by-pass gatekeepers and have her speak directly with a CEO of a leading Australian retailer. She was gobsmacked she could do this. However, it was part of the strategy leading up to her podcast series launch.
Every person’s situation and circumstances will be slightly difference depending on their industry/ideal client. But the principles (and questions above) are similar.
So, in summary, get clear on:
- WHY you are starting your podcast?
- WHAT makes you and your podcast unique?
- HOW you are going to leverage your podcast to generate the best results.
Only then should you press record.
Because that’s #PodcastingWithPurpose
Related Tag: How to Start My Own Podcast