Happy New ‘Work’ Year!

I’ve always loved the start of a New Year.

Like the pages of a new journal that hasn’t been written in yet, along, with the learnings from the previous year, you can hit the ground running.

Which is exactly what I’m doing this year.

Last year, taught me some significant lessons, including:

  • How important it is to hire great support staff, as it’s impossible for me to do it all on my own;
  • The importance of patience: my timing (which is typically ‘right now!’), may not necessarily be aligned with the Lord’s timing;
  • To be focused at all times: no matter the obstacles, challenges and issues. I must remain focused on the bigger picture, and not become distracted or disillusioned, despite the disappointments.

Along with these lessons, are three lessons I learned years ago and therefore continue to implement every year.

All three have been paramount to where I am today and what I recommend you do (if you haven’t already), if you want 2019 to be your best year yet.

1. Get your goals out of your head and onto paper

There’s something powerful about getting your goals down on paper.

Research states people who just think about their goals and what they need to do to achieve them, succeed less than 50% of the time.

Less than fifty per of the time!

I don’t know about you, however I want to increase my chances of achieving my goals as close to one hundred percent, so here’s what I do, each and every year:

  • Ensure my Mission and Vision is clear and documented in a place I can read and remind myself of it daily. In fact, my Mission and Vision, along with my Core Values and other important elements are all documented on a One-Page Strategic Plan, which I keep in my daily journal.
  • I get totally clear on the top 3-5 Goals I want to achieve for the year.
  • I list the key marketing strategies I need to focus on to help me achieve my goals.

In fact, I believe doing this over the last few years has been paramount to the milestones I’ve achieved and why I’m dedicating an entire Masterclass this month in my Money, Marketing & Mindset Mastermind program.

This year, I’ve also created My Empowered Leadership Statement, along with another document, which breaks down my main goals into 90-Day projects. I know exactly what I’m going to be working on throughout the year, which will help keep me focused and avoid being distracted by shiny bright new objects.

2.  Get clear on your WHY

In the past I would set BIG goals, yet if I was honest – I just didn’t feel connected to or inspired by them.

My goals were just numbers.

  • Income goals
  • How much I’d like to grow my list by.
  • The amount of clients I wanted to work with.

Have you ever felt like that?

Don’t get me wrong. Specificity and numbers are important, however ONLY stating numbers for me, just wasn’t the same.

So instead of just ‘numbers’ I delved deeper and asked myself: “Why? Why do I want to achieve these goals? What will this mean I can do? What impact can I make if I achieve these goals? For myself, my family and the greater community and other projects I can support?”

Once I started asking these deeper questions the flood-gates were open.

My WHY is to inspire hope and possibility in the lives of everyone I meet.

When I founded the Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network our mission of Changing The World – ONE Message at a Time, has and continues to inspire me forward. We’ve published thousands of podcast episodes, including many of our clients’ podcasts, with each show impacting the lives of others.

Now THAT is what inspires and empowers me.

I wonder – what inspires you? What’s your big why?

3.  Share your goals with someone

The same study that found writing down your goals was important also identified that sharing your goals with an accountability partner and keeping them updated regularly as to how they were going had 75% higher success rate than those people who tried to go it alone.

There’s nothing more motivating than knowing there is someone who is holding that space for you to step powerfully into action towards achieving your goals.

Do you have an accountability partner? If not, we should chat. This is something I believe is crucial and therefore incorporate into all my programs.

So there you go – three important steps that’ll help you rock your goals for 2019.

Which will you be implementing? I hope all three!

Are you a Change Maker and want to make this year your best year yet, while build influence, impact and income with your message. Access my free Masterclass to find out what you MUST have in place, along with the common mistakes you must avoid. Access Common Bix Mistakes Webinar here