Welcome Change Maker!

Annemarie Cross (Personal Brand & Podcast Strategist) is hosting:

How to go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast for Coaches and Consultants.  

Want to launch a podcast to help build visibility of you and your service-based business?

(However, you’re not sure where to start, the steps, and in which order to launch successfully?)

And, now with what’s going on in the world – you’ve had to completely shift your approach to marketing your business and you’re wondering if launching your own podcast can help you get known and found by your ideal client, more effectively?

If you answered ‘Yes’ – you are in the right place.

And, the good news is that YES, a podcast WILL build your visibility…

The BEST news is that if you have the right strategies in place your podcast can also help you…

  • Build your REACH – to get in front of your ideal customers;
  • Build your REPUTATION as a sought-after Authority in your field; and
  • Build your REVENUE as you begin to nurture listeners into leads, enquiries and ultimately paying customers.

You’re in the right place!

Because helping people just like YOU – Change Makers and aspiring Industry Thought Leaders, build their credibility as a trusted authority in their industry (without exhausting yourself in the process) is my speciality.

 Increase your influence, impact AND income with your own Thought Leader Podcast.

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Who is  Annemarie Cross?

Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide.

Over a decade on, she’s the author of: Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts.

Annemarie continues to live out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast.

Industry Thought Leader: From Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast – Virtual Workshop Replay


  • WHERE TO START when it comes to getting your Thought Leader Podcast recorded, produced and published so you can generate the visibility and reach you need to build your business;
  • The Number ONE thing you should focus on BEFORE you record your podcast (which is NOT technology) as an aspiring Industry Thought Leader.
  • How to find and attract the RIGHT audience so you can to cut through the online clutter, and begin to build influence and impact immediately with your message.
  • Five ways to monetize your podcast so it can become profitable and begin to generate opportunities and ultimately customers from your very first episode.
  • The missing link and reason why so many businesses struggle to turn Influence and Impact into Income into leads and ultimately paying customers.
  • The Three Key Steps to Nurture Podcast Listeners into Leads.
  • The Tools, Technology and Digital Assets you’ll need to Produce, Publish and Promote your Thought Leader Podcast.

You’ll walk away with your very own: Idea to Launch Thought Leader Podcast Blueprint so you know exactly what you have to focus on, following the right sequence to get your Thought Leader Podcast, mapped out, produced AND launched!

Leverage your podcast and reputation

In fact, Annemarie will be teaching you the exact steps and systems she used to leverage her podcast and (online and offline) reputation to:

  • Become known as a Thought Leader in the Career Industry; 
  • Have her podcast – Ambitious Entrepreneur Show being syndicated on ZiFM – a local radio station in Zimbabwe;
  • Have her podcast – Coaches Connection Podcast being featured within the Internatinoal Magazine – ‘I Love Coaching’ for 12 Months
  • Win an award from World Media Awards for her show: Business Success Podcast
  • Win an award for Best Business, Marketing & Entrepreneur Podcast for Ambitious Entrepreneur Show, with Women In Leadership Podcast being a Finalist in that award category
  • Be sought regularly for media interviews including television, radio and print, with her podcasts regularly being listed in the Top Business Podcasts across the globe, including:
  • Be invited to speak on international summits alongside other multi 6-figure and 7-figure women in business;
  • Be one of only a handful of Experts/Influencers to be invited to become a Microsoft Surface Brnd Ambassador/Influencer; while
  • Become known as a pioneer and Industry Thought Leader in the area of podcast.

Hence, why she is now known as: The Podcasting Queen and now teaching other Change Makers and aspiring Thought Leaders to become Industry Thought Leaders in their fields.

Plus you’ll get a copy of Annemarie’s  latest eBook:


Have you heard that podcasting is a great way to get your message out? Yes, it is! However, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get your podcast up and running – this book is not for you. There are plenty of free resources online to help you.

In fact, I’ve purposely NOT spent too much time focusing on technology. Because as an aspiring Industry Thought Leader, there are more important things you need to clarify FIRST, before you concern yourself with technology. These things are covered in detail in this book, which include:

  • Six podcasting myths, which are irrelevant, untrue and misleading, and you should ignore as an aspiring Industry Thought Leader.
  • Five ways to monetize your Thought Leader message with a podcast.
  • How to define and position your Thought Leader message following the principles of the:
    • Podcast Profit Framework;
    • Podcast Profit Formula; and
    • Podcast Profit Pipeline.
  • The Winning Mindset of a Thought Leader.
  • Low Cost and No Cost Tools to get you started.

This book IS for you, if you’re interested in building your reputation as an authority in your field, so you can begin to generate leads, enquiries, and paying clients from your very first episode. And, you’re willing to focus on what’s important when it comes to the content you produce by following a reputable step-by-step guide to show you how.


A cracker of a resource ...

Annemarie Cross has written a cracker of a resource in “Industry Thought Leader”.

As a proponent of Authority Marketing I am regularly speaking at business conferences on the value of content and sharing how podcasting is one of the most sought-after content mediums you can create.

“Industry Thought Leader” covers this concept in exceptional detail. I love how Annemarie has exposed some of the common misconceptions around podcasting and laid out a clear step by step guide to not only getting started in podcasting, but how to manage the mindset challenges that are very real in the journey that is ahead to becoming highly influential.

As one of Australia’s leading podcasters and influencers Annemarie walks the talk that is laid out in this must read book.

Adam Houlahan | International Keynote Speaker & Amazon Best-Selling Author

Shows you the exact steps you need to take ...

In an increasingly noisy world, your personal brand and unique thought leadership is an extremely effective way to reach people with your message, and create a sustainable business. 

Podcasting can be a brilliant platform for sharing your message, and in Industry Thought Leaders, Annemarie helps you identify how to do this effectively. 

I not only follow Annemarie’s work, but I’ve also interviewed her on my podcast, and she absolutely walks her talk. 

She’s a leading authority in helping entrepreneurs use the vehicle of podcasting to position their authority, and this book clearly shows you the exact steps you need to take your podcast to build influence AND create profits with your podcast.

Samantha Riley | SamanthaRiley.Global &  Creator of the Thought Leaders Business Lab Podcast

A podcasting platform that launches dreams

In a world of so-called leaders touting authenticity there are very few people who actually speak, act and educate from a place of true heart centred motivation. 

Annemarie is that person. 

Annemarie has created a podcasting platform that launches dreams, visions and positive change.

I applaud her.

As an international speaker and edu-tainer I am constantly coming across unfulfilled genius. Participating in Annemarie’s Ambitious Entrepreneur Show was a pleasure and filled my heart knowing that unfulfilled genius’ are being brought forward to shine their light.

Justin Cunningham | International Speaker/Edu-tainer & Business Resultant

Annemarie Cross is a true genius

Annemarie Cross is a true genius at asking the best questions to elicit your story in a way that will influence and inspire others. 

She has a true gift to help launch you as a Thought Leader.  I love her realness and drive with helping others soar.

Mary Jensen | CEO, M Power Services } Human Behaviour Specials | Mindset Master

Industry Thought Leader: From Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast  Virtual Workshop