Industry Thought Leader: How to go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast

How to create a profitable podcast while positioning yourself as an  industry thought leader

Have you heard that podcasting is a great way to get your message out? Yes, it is! However, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get your podcast up and running – this book is not for you. There are plenty of free resources online to help you.

In fact, I’ve purposely NOT spent too much time focusing on technology. Because as an aspiring Industry Thought Leader, there are more important things you need to clarify FIRST, before you concern yourself with technology. These things are covered in detail in this book, which include:

  • Six podcasting myths, which are irrelevant, untrue and misleading, and you should ignore as an aspiring Industry Thought Leader.
  • Five ways to monetize your Thought Leader message with a podcast.
  • How to define and position your Thought Leader message following the principles of the:
    • Podcast Profit Framework;
    • Podcast Profit Formula; and
    • Podcast Profit Pipeline.
  • The Winning Mindset of a Thought Leader.
  • Low Cost and No Cost Tools to get you started.

This book IS for you, if you’re interested in building your reputation as an authority in your field, so you can begin to generate leads, enquiries, and paying clients from your very first episode.

And, you’re willing to focus on what’s important when it comes to the content you produce by following a reputable step-by-step guide to show you how.

If this sounds like you – let’s get started.

Success Stories

A podcasting platform that launches dreams ...

In a world of so-called leaders touting authenticity there are very few people who actually speak, act and educate from a place of true heart centred motivation.

Annemarie is that person.

Annemarie has created a podcasting platform that launches dreams, visions and positive change.

I applaud her.

As an international speaker and edu-tainer I am constantly coming across unfulfilled genius. Participating in Annemarie’s Ambitious Entrepreneur Show was a pleasure and filled my heart knowing that unfulfilled genius’ are being brought forward to shine their light.

Justin Cunningham, International Speaker/Edu-tainer & Business Resultant

Annemarie walks the talk

Annemarie Cross has written a cracker of a resource in “Industry Thought Leader”.

As a proponent of Authority Marketing I am regularly speaking at business conferences on the value of content and sharing how podcasting is one of the most sought-after content mediums you can create.

“Industry Thought Leader” covers this concept in exceptional detail. I love how Annemarie has exposed some of the common misconceptions around podcasting and laid out a clear step by step guide to not only getting started in podcasting, but how to manage the mindset challenges that are very real in the journey that is ahead to becoming highly influential.

As one of Australia’s leading podcasters and influencers Annemarie walks the talk that is laid out in this must read book.

Adam Houlahan, International Keynote Speaker | Amazon Best-Selling Author

An authority in helping entrepreneurs use podcasting

In an increasingly noisy world, your personal brand and unique thought leadership is an extremely effective way to reach people with your message, and create a sustainable business.

Podcasting can be a brilliant platform for sharing your message, and in Industry Thought Leaders, Annemarie helps you identify how to do this effectively.

I not only follow Annemarie’s work, but I’ve also interviewed her on my podcast, and she absolutely walks her talk.

She’s a leading authority in helping entrepreneurs use the vehicle of podcasting to position their authority, and this book clearly shows you the exact steps you need to take your podcast to build influence AND create profits with your podcast.

Samantha Riley, Creator of the Thought Leaders Business Lab Podcast

I highly recommend this book to anyone

Annemarie Cross is a true genius at asking the best questions to elicit your story in a way that will influence and inspire others.

She has a true gift to help launch you as a Thought Leader. I love her realness and drive with helping others sore.

This book is testament to all the above as she shares with you all she knows.

I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who knows they are here to make a difference.

Mary Jensen, CEO, M Power Services – – Human Behaviour Specials | Mindset Master


Access my “Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series” where I interview Change Makers to find out how they have leveraged their podcast to build their Thought Leadership.

You’ll learn:

 Challenges they overcame to get their podcast launched – so you can avoid them.

  • How they are promoting and leveraging their podcast to build their Thought Leadership. Plus special tools and technologies they recommend.
  • The unexpected wins and successes they’ve achieved through their podcast.
  • Whether in hindsight, they’d do anything differently, now that they know what they know (Hindsight is the BEST teacher).
  • Words of encouragement for Change Makers and aspiring Thought Leaders who want to launch their own Thought Leader Podcast.
  • And MUCH more!

Are you ready to launch?
Take the Quiz

Media Enquiries & Contact Information

For media enquiries please contact our PR & Podcast Manager Mierra Jane at


For media enquiries please contact our PR & Podcast Manager – Mierra Jane at

Meet the  Author

Annemarie Cross has been dubbed: “The Podcasting Queen” by her clients, colleagues, and podcast guests.

Over the last two decades, she has gained extensive experience across diverse arenas. In fact, recently she’s begun to label herself as a ‘multi-talented, multi-passionate’ entrepreneur. [She LOVES creative projects, technology, and anything NEW and shiny].

However, her real passion is within the area of brand and communications, helping clients design and launch powerful online and offline marketing strategies and tactics, specifically with their own podcast or podcast series.

Her work with her clients and helping them get their message out on a global scale, becomes part of Annemarie’s mission, which is: “To change the world – ONE message at a time!”

Over the years she’s been listed among the Top 25 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs, Top 50 Podcast for Entrepreneurs, and Top 100 Small Business Podcasts worldwide by well-known and respected small business websites, including

In 2017, she submitted two of her podcasts – The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show and Women In Leadership Podcast to the inaugural CastAway Podcast Awards. Both podcasts were in the top three finalists, with The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show winning the BEST Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurial Category Podcast Award.

Combining her love of technology and social media, she’s been able to build a business, client base and support team that is truly global by harnessing the power of social media and online technologies – particularly podcasting, and now loves being able to empower other businesses to do the same.