Your podcast, starts here…

Thank you for accessing our trainings and quiz

Step 1:

Download the Quiz (below); answer each of the questions across each of the Five Pillars to see whether you’re ready to launch your own Thought Leader Podcast;

Step 2:

Watch the video: Podcasting Mistruths & Mistakes (below)

Step 3:

Watch the video: The RIGHT Podcast Strategy starts here (below)

Step 4:

Register for our next free Profitable Podcasting Online Intensive (details below). [Or, if you’d rather get started on your thought leader podcast launch and want to find out if you’re a good fit to work with me privately, go ahead and make an appointment here.

Step 5:

Join our community of Change Makers, here

Podcasting Mistruths & Mistakes

The RIGHT Podcast Strategy starts here…

Register for our next Profitable Podcasting Online Intensive, where I’ll cover:

  • Workshop 1: Common Podcasting Mistruths & Mistakes
  • Workshop 2: THREE Podcast Profit Models
  • Workshop 3: How to Nurture Listeners into Leads 
  • Two LIVE Q&A sessions, and MORE